
Barbarian = 野蛮人 = barbaar = варвар
Archer = 弓箭手 = boogschutter = лучник
Goblin = 小妖精 = aardmannetje = глобулин
Giant = 巨人 = reus = гигант
Wall breaker = 墙壁断路器 = muur breaker = стене выключатель
Wizard = 巫师 = tovenaar = волшебник
Healer = 治疗师 = heler = целитель
Dragon = 龙 = draak = дракон
Minions = 爪牙 = minions = приспешников

Monday, 23 December 2013


First off.... I want to thank each and every person for being in this clan.  There have been a lot of us that have been in the clan for a very long time, and we are always welcome to new people!

I would just like to remind everybody, that the only way this clan can operate is by donations.  Most people are happy to give "high priced" troops, but to repeatedly ask for them is well... greedy.  If you are basing your every action in the game based on getting high level troops, then you need to re-think things.  Also, by asking for such high level or specific troops, you are cutting back on chances for donations, and that means some people could be lost from the clan due to lack of donating.

Asking for Dragon, Wizards, Pekka's, and the lot all the time, is well with your rights, but DO NOT EXPECT the request to be filled all the time.  Not only do they cost a lot of elixir, but they also take a while to build, so getting your request filled could take a while.  Don't complain if people aren't filling it right away.

Also, specifying a certain level of troop is fine as well, but know that if you cannot make them yourselves, you are probably less likely to get them from people.

PEOPLE.... PLEASE DO NOT GIVE TROOPS THAT ARE NOT REQUESTED!!!!!!!!  It is happening too much lately.  And unless you know exactly who gave you the wrong troop, please do not complain about it.  It doesn't do any good unless you can point out that person specifically, and then the council will deal with it.

There will be one exception to this rule.  If you have a level 6 anything, you are free to give it, regardless of the request after 10 minutes.

The best part of this clan, is that you can come in, "hang" out with some cool people and help them out in any way that you can.  If you are very competitive and that's not the kind of place you can see yourself, maybe this clan just isn't for you.

Request away... just maybe be a little more open to things so you help the clan out as a whole and give everybody the chance to donate.  Trust me, if people have cool troops available, they will let the clan know, and they will be happy to share them with you.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Donation results 10 November

Elite Donators (3,000 donations)


Heavy Donators (1,500 donations)

Kit Death

Honorable Mention (1,000-1,499 donations)


View Donating Hall of Fame Table

How the scoring and ranking works...
Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions as seen above.
Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
The overall Hall of Donating Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Donation results 27 October

Elite Donators (3,000 donations)


Heavy Donators (1,500 donations)


Honorable Mention (1,000-1,499 donations)

The Rick

View Donating Hall of Fame Table

How the scoring and ranking works...
Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions as seen above.
Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
The overall Hall of Donating Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Welcome new council members!

With Racca stepping down, and Ann and Boazang having their time taken up by outside obligations... We have voted to add 2 new council members. Welcome CZ and Bjohnson350!  I'm sure they will do great, and if you need anything, feel free to ask them. 

Racca stepping down

Racca has a lot of schooling going on right now and needed to step down for a while as clan leader. I have stepped up and volunteered to keep an eye on things while he is gone. If you need anything, please let me know.  


Sunday, 13 October 2013

Donation results 13th/14th October

Elite Donators (3,000 donations)


Heavy Donators (1,500 donations)

the warrior cal
jackt 301346k
T Vincent L

View Donating Hall of Fame Table

How the scoring and ranking works...
Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions as seen above.
Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
The overall Hall of Donating Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Thank you

United Donators,

It's with much joy that I am deciding to step down as clan leader. Together with the Council, we have decided that RACCA will become the new United Donator clan leader. There are many reasons why I have chosen to step down but more so due to my own personal commitments in life that I am unable to devote as much time as I have previously. I hope you will understand my decision to step down as I only want the best for the clan.

Having said that, I would like to formally pass the leadership to Racca in the trust that he will lead the clan with integrity, impartiality and fairness to everyone in the clan. He has been in our clan for a very long time and knows United Donators from the inside out. I trust him entirely and I know he will take the clan forward from this point. Please support him as you did me. He is a great example to all and I know he will do well.

Thank you for the many months of fun and support..through the good and the bad. Don't worry, I'll still be hanging around so you'll see me every now and then.


Sunday, 15 September 2013

Donation results 15th/16th September

Elite Donators (3,000 donations)
  • Cz  
  • Julian
Heavy Donators (1,500 donations)

  • Bjohnson350! 
  • Kit Death
  • Lihon 
  • Racca

View Donating Hall of Fame Table

How the scoring and ranking works...
  1. Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
  2. Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions as seen above. 
  3. Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
  4. Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
  5. The overall Hall of Donating Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
  6. If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
  7. If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Donation results 1st/2nd September

Elite Donators (3,000 donations)
  • Cz
  • Kingls 
  • Julian
Heavy Donators (1,500 donations)
  • !_(Frosty61)_! 
  • Bjohnson350!
  • Dung 
  • Kelly
  • Kit Death
  • Lihon
  • Racca
  • Tohs97
View Donating Hall of Fame Table

How the scoring and ranking works...
  1. Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
  2. Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions as seen above. 
  3. Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
  4. Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
  5. The overall Hall of Donating Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
  6. If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
  7. If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Clash of Clans Update Coming Soon...

Latest update sneak peek from Clash of Clans..

New dark troop......Scam or leak? You decide...


Wednesday, 21 August 2013

United Donators minimum player level

The Council has decided to place a minimum player level requirement for all newcomers.

All newcomers must be a minimum of level 50 in order to remain in the clan. This is due to a few main reasons:
  • Our clan members are increasing in levels and therefore, the average level of the clan is increasing as well,
  • Lower level players can only donate low level troops, and
  • Our clan must improve, not 'treadmill'.

**** REVISION**** IF a sub level 50 member joins, and has at least level 4 archers, it is the clan leaders decision of they stay or not.  Only the leader may kick them!

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Donation results 18th/19th August

Elite Donators (3,000 donations)
  • Cz
  • Julian
Heavy Donators (1,500 donations)
  • !_(Frosty61)_!
  • Boazang
  • Kingls
  • Kit Death
  • Lihon
  • Racca
  • Sp_daghost
  • Tohs97
  • Wilbertf

View Donating Hall of Fame Table

How the scoring and ranking works...
  1. Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
  2. Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions as seen above. 
  3. Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
  4. Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
  5. The overall Hall of Donating Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
  6. If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
  7. If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Donation results 4th/5th August 2013

Elite Donators (3,000 donations)
  • Cz
  • Lihon

Heavy Donators (1,500 donations)
  • !_(Frosty61)_!
  • Alwyn
  • Ann
  • Boazang
  • Dung
  • Julian
  • Kelly
  • Kingls
  • Kit Death
  • Racca
  • Sambrantley3
  • T Vincent L
View Donating Hall of Fame Table

How the scoring and ranking works...
  1. Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
  2. Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions as seen above. 
  3. Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
  4. Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
  5. The overall Hall of Donating Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
  6. If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
  7. If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Mass Kicking by Tarik

If you've been kicked recently, it may have been by TarikMaster. He is BANNED indefinitely. Elders, kick him on sight.

If you've been kicked and want to return but can't because your trophy is too low, contact me via email ( or any elder to have them invite you via GameCentre. Members who have been kicked for failing to donate are not allowed back in unless approved by Council members.

Gameplay - The Witch

Check out Chief Pat's video on the new Dark Troop - the Witch. It's quite something.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Clash of Clans Update coming soon...

According to some sources, a MAJOR update is coming in August after this next one. The next one will have minor updates such as these above but the following update will be huge..lets wait and see what happens.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Donation results for 21st/22nd July

Elite Donators (3,000 donations)
  • Ann
  • Cz
  • Kit Death
  • Lihon

Heavy Donators (1,500 donations)
  • Alwyn
  • Boazang
  • Chocobunnie9
  • Joey
  • Racca
  • Sambrantley3
  • Xiao Sehoon

View Donating Hall of Fame Table

How the scoring and ranking works...
  1. Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
  2. Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions as seen above. 
  3. Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
  4. Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
  5. The overall Hall of Donating Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
  6. If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
  7. If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

The Request Law

All clan member must donate as requested

The Request Law is a strict rule where if any members donate any wrong troops and was not an accident, members can report to any Council member where the names of the wrong-doer will be recorded in the Council's Chamber.

  • If any member receives 3 complaints in 7 days, that member WILL BE KICKED. (In summary, 3 complaints then kicked)
  • If any elder receives 2 complaints in 7 days, he will be demoted immediately. Then, if he receives a 3rd complaint, he will be kicked. (In summary, 3 complaints then kicked)

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

The United Donators Council

I have decided that a Council is needed for United Donators for the following reasons:
  • there is too much power for one leader as the clan grows
  • this clan needs a leader who is accountable to a group of people for his actions
  • new ideas, issues and plans can properly handled under a set of rules
  • people to represent me in my absence (when I am not online)
It was my decision to start a Council because I want the best for this clan and don't want my over-eagerness to 'rule' this clan to take away what we have as the best clan in the world. (The donations is only a by-product of how awesome we are!) We want to keep this clan exciting and meaningful but with an integrity for what we believe is the best for the clan.

All Council members have agreed to the following guidelines:
  • they respect all members in the clan
  • they assist the clan leader in the leadership of the clan to ensure rules and regulations are followed
  • they are committed to the clan. Any departure from the clan will immediately disqualify them from being a Council member unless approved by the Council beforehand
  • they protect the clan with the best interest of the clan at heart and not for their own personal gain

More information on the Council:
  • Council members were selected on several criteria. Some major criteria include maturity (age and thinking), length of stay in the clan, strong committed donator, leadership qualities.
  • Any issues that you may have may be brought to any Council member for evaluation. The Council will discuss the issue and decide accordingly. 
  • Council members ONLY are authorised to kick members who fail to donate the requested troops.
  • Council members should be respected in the same way you respect the leader. They represent him at all times.
  • Council members will work with the clan leader to resolve any issues in the clan but also, come up with new ideas and solutions to keep this clan exciting.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Donation results ending 7th/8th July

Elite Donators (3,000 donations)
  • Ann
  • Boazang
  • Cz
  • Lihon
  • Tazzzyxx

Heavy Donators (1,500 donations)
  • !_(Frosty61)_!
  • Alwyn
  • Chocobunnie9
  • Julian 
  • Kelly
  • Kit Death
  • Racca
  • RazzaF303
  • Sambrantley3

View Donating Hall of Fame Table

How the scoring and ranking works...
  1. Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
  2. Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions as seen above. 
  3. Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
  4. Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
  5. The overall Hall of Donating Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
  6. If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
  7. If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

The Elder Law

***** AS OF 10/25/2013 or 25/10/2013... THIS RULE HAS BEEN SUSPENDED*****

Only elders may request for the following troops at any time:-
  • Wizards
  • Healers
  • Dragons
  • P.E.K.K.A
  • ALL dark troops
The Elder Law is designed to discourage freeloaders who come in, request for good troops, before leaving soon after. Newcomers who wish to receive these troops are encouraged to donate lots and be promoted. The leader and elders have no problem giving these troops to excellent donators.

How to become an elder

Very simple - donate the elder benchmark set in the clan description. To view the clan description you can do any two of the following:
  • Click the left side arrow to open the clan/global chat. Up the top, click the "i" icon to open the clan information list.
  • Click your clan castle then click the "Clan" icon to open the clan information list.
The clan description can be seen at the top of the clan information list where the elder benchmark can be seen.

Authority and responsibilities of elders

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Requesting for high level troops

It isn't appropriate for lower level players to request and expect high level troops (eg. level 6 giants) when they themselves are unable to give high level troops.

So, this is the rule:
  • A minimum village level of 50 will be required for any clan members to request for level 4 troops and above.
  • Members below level 50 should not expect troops level 4 or above.
  • Of course, all clan members are welcome to donate higher level troops
  • The bottom line is that members below level 50 cannot get angry or abusive if they do not receive high level troops.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Donation results ending 23rd/24th June

Elite Donators (3,000 donations)
  • Ann
  • Boazang
  • Coclane
  • Cz
  • Kit Death
  • Lihon

Heavy Donators (1,500 donations)
  • Alwyn
  • Jmanu99
  • Tazzzyxx
  • Timtoh

View Donating Hall of Fame Table

How the scoring and ranking works...
  1. Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
  2. Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions as seen above. 
  3. Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
  4. Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
  5. The overall Hall of Donating Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
  6. If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
  7. If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Request troops message rule

Please respect the wishes of clan members who specifically requests for particular troops.

When a clan member requests for a particular troop, clan members MUST donate the requested troop (with the exception of the Elder Law. See below). Any clan member who fails to donate the requested troop can be reported to any Clan Elder or the Clan Leader.  

No Specification
  • No specification for any particular troop means any troop is acceptable.
  • No specification for any particular troop cannot be reported if donators give the 'wrong' troops. 

The Elder Law
Only elders may request for the following troops at any time:-
  • Wizards
  • Healers
  • Dragons
  • P.E.K.K.A
  • ALL dark troops
The Elder Law is designed to discourage freeloaders who come in, request for good troops, before leaving soon after. Newcomers who wish to receive these troops are encouraged to donate lots and be promoted. The leader and elders have no problem giving these troops to excellent donators.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

June Clash of Clans Update - Coming Soon!

New updates coming soon...check regularly for updates! Click here for details on all the updates.

Note that the Dark Elixir storage hitpoints have increased so that dropping level 6 lightning spells on them won't give you everything in it.

Finally, we can donate with proper requests. Watch out for this new feature as a new clan rule will emerge!

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Donation results ending 9th/10th June

Elite Donators (3,000 donations)
  • Ann
  • Boazang
  • Chocobunnie9
  • Coclane
  • Cz
  • Jmanu99
  • Kit Death
  • Lihon

Heavy Donators (1,500 donations)
  • !_(Frosty61)_!
  • Deluca_007
  • Racca
  • RazzaF303
  • Tazzzyxx
  • Tohs97

View Donating Hall of Fame Table

How the scoring and ranking works...
  1. Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
  2. Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions as seen above. 
  3. Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
  4. Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
  5. The overall Hall of Donating Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
  6. If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
  7. If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

Players exempted list

Only the players listed below have been approved to be exempted from the donation limit due to personal matters outside of Clash.
  • Alwyn - ending indefinitely 

  • As listed in the clan rules and regulations, only players who inform the leader in advance are exempted from the donation requirements for the requested length of time. 
  • During this time, limited donations are required however, requests for troops can only be a ratio of 1:1 to the donations made. Violation of this ratio will result in the removal of being exempted.

Monday, 3 June 2013

$700 worth of iTunes giftcards giveaway - Worldwide

A group of Clash of Clans YouTube producers are giving away $700 worth of iTunes giftcards WORLDWIDE.

Click here to see the Official Clash of Clans wiki page. If you can't be bothered and trust me, just follow my instructions below.

This is for anyone who has a YouTube account. You can win giftcards worth either $10 or $25.

So if you don't have one, get one! It is very simple...
  • You need to subscribe to each of these 4 YouTube producers from the 4 links below.
  • You need to post "I want to win" on each of these 4 links below.
  • Only players from Canada and USA can win the bonus $50 giftcard (won't get the other $10 or $25 giftcard).

  1. DubWarGaming
  2. GodSonCoC
  3. MaddenDvinik
  4. NoteWorthyGames
Deadline is on the 21st June, 2013.

I strongly recommend anyone who has a YouTube account to just try it. You've got nothing to lose! Hopefully someone from United Donators will win one of these giftcards!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Welcome to United Donators

This clan was formed solely for active donators looking to donate and also, to actually receive troops when clan castle requests are made. Let me warn you now that we are the fastest donating clan in the world so be ready for a donating dog-fight!

Here are some important rules that you as a newcomer should be aware of in our clan. All newcomers....

  1. Must donate within the first 24 hours of joining. Failure to do so will result in being kicked.
  2. Must donate first before requesting for troops. Freeloaders who come and go are not tolerated.
  3. Must donate as requested specifically. See the Request Law for more information.
  4. Must be at least level 50.
  5. Can become elders by donating the elder donation target seen in the clan description. How to become  an elder
  6. Are eligible to enter into the United Donators Donating Hall of Fame. Click here to see Donating Hall of Fame.

Click here for more clan rules and regulations.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Requests rule

All clan members must request the set donation target. After 7 days, all members must have requested at least the minimum donation requirements. Basically, the minimum donation to minimum request is a ratio of 1:1.

If the minimum donation requirement for 7 days is 200, all clan members must request at least 200 after 7 days.

Obviously, by the end of the season (14 days), it is doubled again (minimum donation after 14 days = 400, minimum requests after 14 days = 400).

This is to encourage all members of the clan to request for troops, thus allowing for donations to be sufficient for all. Failing to meet donation and request requirements may result in demotion or removal from the clan.

Note: All elders are required to donate and request twice as much as non-elders (using the example above, after 7 days, elders need 400 donations and 400 requests).

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Donation results ending 26th/27th May, 2013

Elite Donators (3,000 donations)
  • Ann
  • Chocobunnie9
  • Coclane
  • Kit Death
  • Lihon

Heavy Donators (1,500 donations)
  • Boazang
  • Jmanu99
  • RazzaF303
  • Tohs97

View Donating Hall of Fame Table

How the scoring and ranking works...
  1. Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
  2. Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions as seen above. 
  3. Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
  4. Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
  5. The overall Hall of Donating Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
  6. If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
  7. If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Looting guide explained by Lt. Nixon

In case you don't know how looting works in Clash of Clans and how important it is to max out your defenses before upgrading your Town Hall, check out Lt. Nixon's guide to looting:

Part 1 (old update, includes important figures)
Part 2 (latest update, important figures not included)

For those who don't have the time to watch the videos, this is a very brief summary on looting percentages:

Gold/elixir storages : Can only steal up to a maximum of 25% of the available loot
Mines/collector: Can only steal up a maximum of to 50% of available loot
Dark elixir storages : Can only steal up to a maximum of 5% of the available loot
Dark elixir drills: Can only steal up a maximum of to 75% of available loot

Consider the sum of all this available loot as 100%.

Now, amount of loot available for stealing is based on the difference in Town Hall levels..

2 levels below: 50%
1 level below: 90%
Same level: 100%
1 level above: 110%
2 levels above: 150%

Example: Your Town Hall is level 7. You are raiding a level 7 Town Hall.
He has 100,000 gold and 100,000 elixir in the storages. He also has 1,000 gold and 1,000 elixir in the mines and pumps.

The maximum total available gold for looting in the storage is:
100,000 gold x 25% = 25,000 gold

The maximum total available gold for looting in the mines is:
1,000 gold x 50% = 500 gold

The total maximum gold for looting is:
25,000 + 500 = 25,500 gold.

This is considered to be 100% of available loot. Since you are Town Hall 7 and he is Town Hall 7, you can loot up to 100% of the gold, ie. 25,500 gold. Likewise for elixir and dark elixir.

However, if he was Town Hall 8, you would be able to loot a maximum of 110% of 25,500 gold (28,050 gold). (I'm sure Supercell have algorithms to mathematically determine the additional amounts from the storages and mines so we don't have to worry about that.) Likewise for Town Halls below yours.

Donating Hall of Fame

(Rank. Player name, Points)

  1. Cz, 19
  2. Lihon, 17
  3. Kit Death, 13
  4. Ann, 11
  5. Boazang,10
  6. Julian, 10
  7. Racca, 8
  8. !_(Frosty61)_!, 7
  9. Bjohnson350! 6
  10. Alwyn, 4
  11. Bjohnson350!, 4
  12. Jmanu99,4
  13. Kingls, 4
  14. Tazzzyxx, 4
  15. Tohs97, 4
  16. RazzaF303, 3
  17. Sambrantley3, 3
  18. Kelly, 3
  19. Dung, 3
  20. Deluca_007, 1
  21. Joey, 1
  22. Sp_daghost, 1
  23. T Vincent L, 2
  24. Timtoh, 1
  25. Wilbertf, 1
  26. Xiao Sehoon, 1
  27. oli 1
  28. van 1
  29. The Warrior Cal 1
  30. jackt 301346k 1


How the scoring and ranking works...
  1. Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
  2. Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions: Elite donators (3,000 donations) and Heavy donators (1,500 donations).
  3. Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
  4. Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
  5. The overall Donating Hall of Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
  6. If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
  7. If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

Shout out to Frosty for the awesome idea.

United Donators clan rules and regulations

Clan rules and regulations that apply at all times:

Clan Chat

  • Respect all clan members. Discussions regarding Clash of Clans topics are encouraged but must be done so in an orderly and respectful manner. Elders are authorised to kick any who do not respect others in the clan.

  • Inappropriate language is not tolerated. A warning will be issued. If blatant disregard of the warning is clear, elders are authorised to kick any who do not comply.

  • The clan chat must be Clash of Clan related. Please respect others in the clan by avoiding lengthy non-related Clash of Clans topics. Others may have requested but because of unrelated discussion, their requests go unnoticed. 


  • NEW: All newcomers must be at least level 50 to remain in the clan. Leadership can make exceptions!

  • All newcomers must donate first before receiving donations. Many freeloaders come to receive donations before leaving. To avoid this, newcomers are required to donate first. Please check the clan list to check that any newcomer has donated first.

  • All newcomers must donate within the first 24 hours of joining. If any newcomer is does not donate within 24 hours, he will be kicked.

  • Specific troops may be requested and clan members are required to donate as requested.  Members not receiving the correct troops may report their complaint to any Council members or the Clan Leader. (see the Request Law)

  • All must donate minimum target or be kicked. Clan donation targets can be seen in the clan description. In the event any clan member is able to foresee that they will be unable to donate for any particular period of time, it is the responsibility of the member to inform the leader in advance. The leader must acknowledge the notification. If he is unavailable, an elder must be informed to convey the message to the leader. Failing to do so may result in being kicked from the clan.

  • All must request the set donation target. After 7 days, all members must have requested at least the minimum donation requirements. Click here for more informationNote: All elders are required to donate and request twice as much as non-elders. Failing to meet donation and request requirements may result in demotion or removal from the clan.

Rewards and incentives (VOID)

Note that the below has been made VOID by the Elder Law. See the Elder Law.


All United Donators who donate 1,500 troops are entitled to request any of the following troops from the leader:

  • A castle full of any dark troop available for training by the leader (currently minions, hog riders and Valkyries)
  • A level 3 dragon
  • A level 1 PEKKA

All United Donators who donate 3,000 troops are entitled to an unlimited request of any troops from the leader.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

New update coming soon

Some of the new notable changes and additions with the new up and coming update

New buildings and units that accompany Town Hall level 10

Authority and responsibilities of elders

As soon as you are promoted as elder, you are entitled and entrusted with the following responsibilities in the clan:

  • Promote other clan members who reach elder target set in clan description

  • Kick members who...
  1. use inappropriate language, 
  2. are disrespectful of others, 
  3. have been instructed by the leader to continually kick should any particular ex-member return to the clan without approval by the leader.

Note: Please use great caution before kicking any members. Consult the leader or the Council if in doubt.

  • With discretion, accept requests by potentially new members wanting to join the clan (when clan is under 'invite-only).

Note that the leader holds the authority to undo any action performed by any elder within his discretion. Should an elder misuse and/or abuse his power, he may or may not be demoted (or worse, kicked) by the leader, depending on the degree of misconduct.

All elders must donate and request consistently and meet the elder benchmarks each week to retain their position as elders. 

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Donations explained

Unless you are new to clash of clans, you should know that donating is a big part of being a part of a clan. Here is a very brief explanation of donations.

Everyone in the clan can and must donate. 
As soon as someone in the clan requests, you can click the side arrow on the left to open the chat window. A donation request button will appear below the clan member's name where you can simply click and donate the troops you would like to give. You can only give up to 5 troops of any kind.

Your donation count increases based on the housing size of your troop donated.
Donating 5 barbarians/archer/goblin will increase your donation count by 5. Donating 5 giants however, will increase your donation count by 25 since each giant takes 5 housing space (5 giants x 5 housing space).

You can see your donation count in the clan list.
Click the clan castle and then click "Clan". Under "troops donated", you can scroll to see the number of troops donated by everyone in the clan.

By the end of each week, you must reach the set target to stay in the clan/remain an elder.
See clan description for the clan targets for the two week duration. Unless 'new' to the clan, all members must reach minimum target after the two weeks or be kicked from the clan. All elders must meet benchmark by the end of two weeks or be demoted.
At the half way point (1 week), half of the targets must be met. Eg. If minimum target after 2 weeks is 400, all members must donate 200 or be kicked (with exception of 'new' members). Likewise for elders with the set elder benchmark.

To see how many more hours before the reset/halfway point, click the trophy icon on the bottom left of your screen. Around the top left corner, you can find "Season ends in". This will allow you to see the amount of time remaining before the reset/halfway point.