
Barbarian = 野蛮人 = barbaar = варвар
Archer = 弓箭手 = boogschutter = лучник
Goblin = 小妖精 = aardmannetje = глобулин
Giant = 巨人 = reus = гигант
Wall breaker = 墙壁断路器 = muur breaker = стене выключатель
Wizard = 巫师 = tovenaar = волшебник
Healer = 治疗师 = heler = целитель
Dragon = 龙 = draak = дракон
Minions = 爪牙 = minions = приспешников

Monday, 15 December 2014

GoWiPe Tutorial

Hey guys! As our clan continues to level from our great farming skills, more and more of us are hitting TH9+. Now, I still firmly believe that against TH8s and lower, dragons/hogs are your best options. However, as many of us are finding out, both of those do not really work well against TH9s and above. So different strategies are needed! Today, I’d like to talk about one of those: GoWiPe!

GoWiPe is so named because of its unit composition: Golems, Wizards, and Pekkas. There are many minor variants to it, but those are the primary units. GoWiPe is a 3 star strategy against TH8s (and lower) and TH9s with weak walls. Note that, due to its lack of mobility, you cannot count on getting 3 stars with GoWiPe against tough TH9s and TH10s. Those require even more advanced strategies that we can talk about when we are comfortably 2-starring these tough bases.

The purpose of a GoWiPe is to get your wizards, pekkas, and possibly heroes into the core. The high level strategy for this is:
  1. Deploy golems to absorb front-line enemy fire
  2. Clear trash with wizards behind golems in order to create funnel
  3. Open path to core with wbs/jump spells
  4. Send pekkas and additional wizards to core
  5. Profit

Let’s talk about each point individually.

Step 1: Golem Deployment

First, let’s talk about golems. Golem damage is TERRIBLE. Their purpose is NOT to destroy defenses (like giants). They tank, and that is it. Do not use a rage spell to rage a golem. It’s like taping a knife to a tortoise: still not very dangerous. The golem is a sponge. If you finish a battle with a golem with a lot of life left, you either used it wrong or didn’t need one. Their 30 space is completely wasted if they don’t absorb a lot of damage. Wizards do 18 times more damage for the space! Don't waste spells on golems. If they die, they did their job!

Anyway, golem deployment is critical. Most commonly you will bring 2 golems. Sometimes 1 will work, sometimes you might need 3 (rare). The point is drop them so that you draw enough fire that wizards can clear the buildings you need behind them in order to create a funnel.

Look in the image I attached. All the space between the two cannons is safe to drop wizards. 

Sometimes to create a funnel, you only need a single golem. Look at a screencap from a GoWiPe I did this past war:

That single golem was enough to draw fire from all nearby defenses, and the base lent itself to a natural funnel.

Step 2: Create a Funnel

I’ll briefly define funnel here in case anyone is confused. A funnel is to direct your troops where you want them to go (the core!). Wizard/pekka/heros target the nearest structure. So your goal is to clear enough stuff out wide, so that when you deploy those units, going towards the core is the closest structure. You do not want them wandering around the edge of the base. As you can see in the above screenshot, I dropped a few wiz on either side of the golem. These left a line of structures in the direction I wanted the troops to go. Right after that shot, I dropped the pekkas, as the nearest structures were going to be that army camp, then the cannon/archer tower, THEN the AQ altar. Therefore, the pekkas would be funneled towards the core.

In the above screenshot, the guy has dropped enough wiz to quickly clear all the structures behind his golems, and has done it wide enough that pekkas will head into the compartments instead of wandering around the base. Without those golems drawing fire, those wizards would be dead well before they completed their job.

Step 3: Create Path to Core

This step will vary depending on the base layout. It might require wallbreakers, a jump spell, or both. Most generally, there will be 3 levels of walls to get to the core. My preferred method is to break the first level with wallbreakers, then once your troops have gone through that break, use a jump spell to clear the final layer or two.
n the above screenshot, you case see that after I funneled my pekkas to the corner where I wanted them to proceed to the core, I dropped my jump spell. A jump spell can actually cover 2 wall levels if they walls are 3 spots apart like they are here. So this actually provided a path straight into the core for me. I could have likely used wallbreakers to pretty easily break into the core on this base, but I’m terrible with wallbreakers and wanted to be sure, so I used a jump. If you don’t use a jump, you can bring an extra rage.

Note: This is more advanced that we need to get here, but realize that against tougher bases, you will actually use wallbreakers to get into the core and a jump to get OUT of the core in order to help facilitate the 3 star.

Step 4: Get To Da Core!

So if you did the previous 3 steps correctly, this should be pretty simple. Get your troops into the core, and rage them to demolish the core defenses and the TH!

That is all the steps to a GoWiPe. I know this has been long, but let’s talk about a couple more topics real quick.

CC: To lure or not to lure

With the CC, you have 3 options. Lure and kill it, don’t lure and lightning them when they group up to attack you, and don’t lure and rage your troops into them. They all have pros and cons. If you lure them, you are wasting a LOT of time and GoWiPe attacks are slow. Very real danger you will run out of time if going for the 3 star. Also, if you don’t lure, the CC troops tend to help pull your troops into the core. However, if you time things wrong, the CC troops can devastate your wiz and pekkas. I did not lure either of my attacks this war. I instead hit my troops with a rage and a heal and it worked well. Do what you are most comfortable with, but have a plan!

If you DO lure, try and pull the CC troops to where you plan to start the GoWiPe, so you can put to use the surviving troops of the CC kill. Witches are amazing at taking out the enemy CC (with some wiz backup)!


There is a lot of flexibility here. You definitely want at least 2 rage. Whether the rest are heals, jumps, or rage are up to you and the base you select.

That’s all I got! If you made it all the way through, I commend you. Please let me know if you have any feedback or questions.


  1. Awesome job Ant... I know I will use this a lot when planning my attacks!

  2. One additional note, I would only put 1 wizard per building when you're initially destroying them. This serves two purposes, its the most efficient way to destroy all the buildings and it prevents the wizards from taking a stray mortar or giant bomb to kill all of them.

  3. That's a good point. However, note that you are on the clock with GoWiPe, and if it is a high-health building (like a storage) you might want more wiz. You need to get everything clear before your golem(s) go down.

  4. Ant... I reread this tonight. Maybe you could post some screen shots of "good gowipe bases" with some explanations of how you determine that? I could use all the help available! - Mama

  5. These gowipe tactics have helped a lot. Thank you!
