
Barbarian = 野蛮人 = barbaar = варвар
Archer = 弓箭手 = boogschutter = лучник
Goblin = 小妖精 = aardmannetje = глобулин
Giant = 巨人 = reus = гигант
Wall breaker = 墙壁断路器 = muur breaker = стене выключатель
Wizard = 巫师 = tovenaar = волшебник
Healer = 治疗师 = heler = целитель
Dragon = 龙 = draak = дракон
Minions = 爪牙 = minions = приспешников

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Welcome to United Donators

This clan was formed solely for active donators looking to donate and also, to actually receive troops when clan castle requests are made. Let me warn you now that we are the fastest donating clan in the world so be ready for a donating dog-fight!

Here are some important rules that you as a newcomer should be aware of in our clan. All newcomers....

  1. Must donate within the first 24 hours of joining. Failure to do so will result in being kicked.
  2. Must donate first before requesting for troops. Freeloaders who come and go are not tolerated.
  3. Must donate as requested specifically. See the Request Law for more information.
  4. Must be at least level 50.
  5. Can become elders by donating the elder donation target seen in the clan description. How to become  an elder
  6. Are eligible to enter into the United Donators Donating Hall of Fame. Click here to see Donating Hall of Fame.

Click here for more clan rules and regulations.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Requests rule

All clan members must request the set donation target. After 7 days, all members must have requested at least the minimum donation requirements. Basically, the minimum donation to minimum request is a ratio of 1:1.

If the minimum donation requirement for 7 days is 200, all clan members must request at least 200 after 7 days.

Obviously, by the end of the season (14 days), it is doubled again (minimum donation after 14 days = 400, minimum requests after 14 days = 400).

This is to encourage all members of the clan to request for troops, thus allowing for donations to be sufficient for all. Failing to meet donation and request requirements may result in demotion or removal from the clan.

Note: All elders are required to donate and request twice as much as non-elders (using the example above, after 7 days, elders need 400 donations and 400 requests).

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Donation results ending 26th/27th May, 2013

Elite Donators (3,000 donations)
  • Ann
  • Chocobunnie9
  • Coclane
  • Kit Death
  • Lihon

Heavy Donators (1,500 donations)
  • Boazang
  • Jmanu99
  • RazzaF303
  • Tohs97

View Donating Hall of Fame Table

How the scoring and ranking works...
  1. Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
  2. Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions as seen above. 
  3. Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
  4. Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
  5. The overall Hall of Donating Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
  6. If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
  7. If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Looting guide explained by Lt. Nixon

In case you don't know how looting works in Clash of Clans and how important it is to max out your defenses before upgrading your Town Hall, check out Lt. Nixon's guide to looting:

Part 1 (old update, includes important figures)
Part 2 (latest update, important figures not included)

For those who don't have the time to watch the videos, this is a very brief summary on looting percentages:

Gold/elixir storages : Can only steal up to a maximum of 25% of the available loot
Mines/collector: Can only steal up a maximum of to 50% of available loot
Dark elixir storages : Can only steal up to a maximum of 5% of the available loot
Dark elixir drills: Can only steal up a maximum of to 75% of available loot

Consider the sum of all this available loot as 100%.

Now, amount of loot available for stealing is based on the difference in Town Hall levels..

2 levels below: 50%
1 level below: 90%
Same level: 100%
1 level above: 110%
2 levels above: 150%

Example: Your Town Hall is level 7. You are raiding a level 7 Town Hall.
He has 100,000 gold and 100,000 elixir in the storages. He also has 1,000 gold and 1,000 elixir in the mines and pumps.

The maximum total available gold for looting in the storage is:
100,000 gold x 25% = 25,000 gold

The maximum total available gold for looting in the mines is:
1,000 gold x 50% = 500 gold

The total maximum gold for looting is:
25,000 + 500 = 25,500 gold.

This is considered to be 100% of available loot. Since you are Town Hall 7 and he is Town Hall 7, you can loot up to 100% of the gold, ie. 25,500 gold. Likewise for elixir and dark elixir.

However, if he was Town Hall 8, you would be able to loot a maximum of 110% of 25,500 gold (28,050 gold). (I'm sure Supercell have algorithms to mathematically determine the additional amounts from the storages and mines so we don't have to worry about that.) Likewise for Town Halls below yours.

Donating Hall of Fame

(Rank. Player name, Points)

  1. Cz, 19
  2. Lihon, 17
  3. Kit Death, 13
  4. Ann, 11
  5. Boazang,10
  6. Julian, 10
  7. Racca, 8
  8. !_(Frosty61)_!, 7
  9. Bjohnson350! 6
  10. Alwyn, 4
  11. Bjohnson350!, 4
  12. Jmanu99,4
  13. Kingls, 4
  14. Tazzzyxx, 4
  15. Tohs97, 4
  16. RazzaF303, 3
  17. Sambrantley3, 3
  18. Kelly, 3
  19. Dung, 3
  20. Deluca_007, 1
  21. Joey, 1
  22. Sp_daghost, 1
  23. T Vincent L, 2
  24. Timtoh, 1
  25. Wilbertf, 1
  26. Xiao Sehoon, 1
  27. oli 1
  28. van 1
  29. The Warrior Cal 1
  30. jackt 301346k 1


How the scoring and ranking works...
  1. Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
  2. Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions: Elite donators (3,000 donations) and Heavy donators (1,500 donations).
  3. Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
  4. Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
  5. The overall Donating Hall of Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
  6. If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
  7. If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

Shout out to Frosty for the awesome idea.

United Donators clan rules and regulations

Clan rules and regulations that apply at all times:

Clan Chat

  • Respect all clan members. Discussions regarding Clash of Clans topics are encouraged but must be done so in an orderly and respectful manner. Elders are authorised to kick any who do not respect others in the clan.

  • Inappropriate language is not tolerated. A warning will be issued. If blatant disregard of the warning is clear, elders are authorised to kick any who do not comply.

  • The clan chat must be Clash of Clan related. Please respect others in the clan by avoiding lengthy non-related Clash of Clans topics. Others may have requested but because of unrelated discussion, their requests go unnoticed. 


  • NEW: All newcomers must be at least level 50 to remain in the clan. Leadership can make exceptions!

  • All newcomers must donate first before receiving donations. Many freeloaders come to receive donations before leaving. To avoid this, newcomers are required to donate first. Please check the clan list to check that any newcomer has donated first.

  • All newcomers must donate within the first 24 hours of joining. If any newcomer is does not donate within 24 hours, he will be kicked.

  • Specific troops may be requested and clan members are required to donate as requested.  Members not receiving the correct troops may report their complaint to any Council members or the Clan Leader. (see the Request Law)

  • All must donate minimum target or be kicked. Clan donation targets can be seen in the clan description. In the event any clan member is able to foresee that they will be unable to donate for any particular period of time, it is the responsibility of the member to inform the leader in advance. The leader must acknowledge the notification. If he is unavailable, an elder must be informed to convey the message to the leader. Failing to do so may result in being kicked from the clan.

  • All must request the set donation target. After 7 days, all members must have requested at least the minimum donation requirements. Click here for more informationNote: All elders are required to donate and request twice as much as non-elders. Failing to meet donation and request requirements may result in demotion or removal from the clan.

Rewards and incentives (VOID)

Note that the below has been made VOID by the Elder Law. See the Elder Law.


All United Donators who donate 1,500 troops are entitled to request any of the following troops from the leader:

  • A castle full of any dark troop available for training by the leader (currently minions, hog riders and Valkyries)
  • A level 3 dragon
  • A level 1 PEKKA

All United Donators who donate 3,000 troops are entitled to an unlimited request of any troops from the leader.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

New update coming soon

Some of the new notable changes and additions with the new up and coming update

New buildings and units that accompany Town Hall level 10

Authority and responsibilities of elders

As soon as you are promoted as elder, you are entitled and entrusted with the following responsibilities in the clan:

  • Promote other clan members who reach elder target set in clan description

  • Kick members who...
  1. use inappropriate language, 
  2. are disrespectful of others, 
  3. have been instructed by the leader to continually kick should any particular ex-member return to the clan without approval by the leader.

Note: Please use great caution before kicking any members. Consult the leader or the Council if in doubt.

  • With discretion, accept requests by potentially new members wanting to join the clan (when clan is under 'invite-only).

Note that the leader holds the authority to undo any action performed by any elder within his discretion. Should an elder misuse and/or abuse his power, he may or may not be demoted (or worse, kicked) by the leader, depending on the degree of misconduct.

All elders must donate and request consistently and meet the elder benchmarks each week to retain their position as elders. 

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Donations explained

Unless you are new to clash of clans, you should know that donating is a big part of being a part of a clan. Here is a very brief explanation of donations.

Everyone in the clan can and must donate. 
As soon as someone in the clan requests, you can click the side arrow on the left to open the chat window. A donation request button will appear below the clan member's name where you can simply click and donate the troops you would like to give. You can only give up to 5 troops of any kind.

Your donation count increases based on the housing size of your troop donated.
Donating 5 barbarians/archer/goblin will increase your donation count by 5. Donating 5 giants however, will increase your donation count by 25 since each giant takes 5 housing space (5 giants x 5 housing space).

You can see your donation count in the clan list.
Click the clan castle and then click "Clan". Under "troops donated", you can scroll to see the number of troops donated by everyone in the clan.

By the end of each week, you must reach the set target to stay in the clan/remain an elder.
See clan description for the clan targets for the two week duration. Unless 'new' to the clan, all members must reach minimum target after the two weeks or be kicked from the clan. All elders must meet benchmark by the end of two weeks or be demoted.
At the half way point (1 week), half of the targets must be met. Eg. If minimum target after 2 weeks is 400, all members must donate 200 or be kicked (with exception of 'new' members). Likewise for elders with the set elder benchmark.

To see how many more hours before the reset/halfway point, click the trophy icon on the bottom left of your screen. Around the top left corner, you can find "Season ends in". This will allow you to see the amount of time remaining before the reset/halfway point.