
Barbarian = 野蛮人 = barbaar = варвар
Archer = 弓箭手 = boogschutter = лучник
Goblin = 小妖精 = aardmannetje = глобулин
Giant = 巨人 = reus = гигант
Wall breaker = 墙壁断路器 = muur breaker = стене выключатель
Wizard = 巫师 = tovenaar = волшебник
Healer = 治疗师 = heler = целитель
Dragon = 龙 = draak = дракон
Minions = 爪牙 = minions = приспешников

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Donation results ending 23rd/24th June

Elite Donators (3,000 donations)
  • Ann
  • Boazang
  • Coclane
  • Cz
  • Kit Death
  • Lihon

Heavy Donators (1,500 donations)
  • Alwyn
  • Jmanu99
  • Tazzzyxx
  • Timtoh

View Donating Hall of Fame Table

How the scoring and ranking works...
  1. Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
  2. Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions as seen above. 
  3. Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
  4. Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
  5. The overall Hall of Donating Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
  6. If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
  7. If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Request troops message rule

Please respect the wishes of clan members who specifically requests for particular troops.

When a clan member requests for a particular troop, clan members MUST donate the requested troop (with the exception of the Elder Law. See below). Any clan member who fails to donate the requested troop can be reported to any Clan Elder or the Clan Leader.  

No Specification
  • No specification for any particular troop means any troop is acceptable.
  • No specification for any particular troop cannot be reported if donators give the 'wrong' troops. 

The Elder Law
Only elders may request for the following troops at any time:-
  • Wizards
  • Healers
  • Dragons
  • P.E.K.K.A
  • ALL dark troops
The Elder Law is designed to discourage freeloaders who come in, request for good troops, before leaving soon after. Newcomers who wish to receive these troops are encouraged to donate lots and be promoted. The leader and elders have no problem giving these troops to excellent donators.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

June Clash of Clans Update - Coming Soon!

New updates coming soon...check regularly for updates! Click here for details on all the updates.

Note that the Dark Elixir storage hitpoints have increased so that dropping level 6 lightning spells on them won't give you everything in it.

Finally, we can donate with proper requests. Watch out for this new feature as a new clan rule will emerge!

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Donation results ending 9th/10th June

Elite Donators (3,000 donations)
  • Ann
  • Boazang
  • Chocobunnie9
  • Coclane
  • Cz
  • Jmanu99
  • Kit Death
  • Lihon

Heavy Donators (1,500 donations)
  • !_(Frosty61)_!
  • Deluca_007
  • Racca
  • RazzaF303
  • Tazzzyxx
  • Tohs97

View Donating Hall of Fame Table

How the scoring and ranking works...
  1. Every 2 weeks, the donation tally of each member will be determined to see if they satisfy the 1,500/3,000 donation criteria.
  2. Based on their donations, they are categorised to the two divisions as seen above. 
  3. Elite donators are awarded 2 points.
  4. Heavy donators are awarded 1 point.
  5. The overall Hall of Donating Fame is ranked based on the number of points.
  6. If the points of any number of members are equal, they are ranked alphabetically.
  7. If the any members are still unable to be separated by points and alphabetical order, the position of the moon in correlation to the direction of the wind over the leader's head will determine the ranking of these members. In other words, the leader can rank them however he likes.

Players exempted list

Only the players listed below have been approved to be exempted from the donation limit due to personal matters outside of Clash.
  • Alwyn - ending indefinitely 

  • As listed in the clan rules and regulations, only players who inform the leader in advance are exempted from the donation requirements for the requested length of time. 
  • During this time, limited donations are required however, requests for troops can only be a ratio of 1:1 to the donations made. Violation of this ratio will result in the removal of being exempted.

Monday, 3 June 2013

$700 worth of iTunes giftcards giveaway - Worldwide

A group of Clash of Clans YouTube producers are giving away $700 worth of iTunes giftcards WORLDWIDE.

Click here to see the Official Clash of Clans wiki page. If you can't be bothered and trust me, just follow my instructions below.

This is for anyone who has a YouTube account. You can win giftcards worth either $10 or $25.

So if you don't have one, get one! It is very simple...
  • You need to subscribe to each of these 4 YouTube producers from the 4 links below.
  • You need to post "I want to win" on each of these 4 links below.
  • Only players from Canada and USA can win the bonus $50 giftcard (won't get the other $10 or $25 giftcard).

  1. DubWarGaming
  2. GodSonCoC
  3. MaddenDvinik
  4. NoteWorthyGames
Deadline is on the 21st June, 2013.

I strongly recommend anyone who has a YouTube account to just try it. You've got nothing to lose! Hopefully someone from United Donators will win one of these giftcards!