First off.... I want to thank each and every person for being in this clan. There have been a lot of us that have been in the clan for a very long time, and we are always welcome to new people!
I would just like to remind everybody, that the only way this clan can operate is by donations. Most people are happy to give "high priced" troops, but to repeatedly ask for them is well... greedy. If you are basing your every action in the game based on getting high level troops, then you need to re-think things. Also, by asking for such high level or specific troops, you are cutting back on chances for donations, and that means some people could be lost from the clan due to lack of donating.
Asking for Dragon, Wizards, Pekka's, and the lot all the time, is well with your rights, but DO NOT EXPECT the request to be filled all the time. Not only do they cost a lot of elixir, but they also take a while to build, so getting your request filled could take a while. Don't complain if people aren't filling it right away.
Also, specifying a certain level of troop is fine as well, but know that if you cannot make them yourselves, you are probably less likely to get them from people.
PEOPLE.... PLEASE DO NOT GIVE TROOPS THAT ARE NOT REQUESTED!!!!!!!! It is happening too much lately. And unless you know exactly who gave you the wrong troop, please do not complain about it. It doesn't do any good unless you can point out that person specifically, and then the council will deal with it.
There will be one exception to this rule. If you have a level 6 anything, you are free to give it, regardless of the request after 10 minutes.
The best part of this clan, is that you can come in, "hang" out with some cool people and help them out in any way that you can. If you are very competitive and that's not the kind of place you can see yourself, maybe this clan just isn't for you.
Request away... just maybe be a little more open to things so you help the clan out as a whole and give everybody the chance to donate. Trust me, if people have cool troops available, they will let the clan know, and they will be happy to share them with you.