
Barbarian = 野蛮人 = barbaar = варвар
Archer = 弓箭手 = boogschutter = лучник
Goblin = 小妖精 = aardmannetje = глобулин
Giant = 巨人 = reus = гигант
Wall breaker = 墙壁断路器 = muur breaker = стене выключатель
Wizard = 巫师 = tovenaar = волшебник
Healer = 治疗师 = heler = целитель
Dragon = 龙 = draak = дракон
Minions = 爪牙 = minions = приспешников

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Next Update

What's new in this update:

War Base layout and War Base Edit Mode!

✔ Been wanting to keep a separate layout for your War Base? Now you can!

✔ Your War Base layout now has a life of its own and will persist from war to war without the need to touch your regular village.

✔ War Base Edit Mode is available on the Clan War map during preparation day only. Layouts are still locked during battle day.

✔ Upgrades in your village are still automatically applied to your War Base, but remember to place any new buildings into your War Base layout!

✔ Even if you're upgrading your Inferno Tower or X-Bow in your village, you can toggle between different modes in your War Base.

Clan Wars stats improvements!

✔ All new War Stats tab shows lots of new cool war statistics. Find it under the blue star button after battle day begins.

✔ Most heroic victory and most heroic defense replays for each team are featured in the War Stats!

✔ Improved Clan war info pages under the blue star button are now outfitted with war related stats instead of general clan stats.

✔ See information about total war attacks, defenses and war stars won per member in these Clan war info pages.

Clan Wars feature improvements!

✔ Dismiss donated troops from your War Base Clan Castle if they don't meet your standards!

✔ See in the clan chat when a leader or co-leader starts or cancels a Clan War matchmaking.

✔ Each base on the war map is now numbered to help you find bases easier.

✔ The ! notification icon on the war button will appear only once per war during preparation (instead of every session).

Interface improvements

✔ Russian language is now supported in game settings!

✔ Fixed a display bug in spell factory capacity when scouting in war.

✔ A notification will appear in clan chat if Clan War matchmaking fails to find an opponent.

✔ Village edit mode available at Town Hall 3 (previously was 4).

✔ "Request/Full" texts are visible on the clan castle even while under upgrade.

✔ Improved the start war screen button layout and behavior.