
Barbarian = 野蛮人 = barbaar = варвар
Archer = 弓箭手 = boogschutter = лучник
Goblin = 小妖精 = aardmannetje = глобулин
Giant = 巨人 = reus = гигант
Wall breaker = 墙壁断路器 = muur breaker = стене выключатель
Wizard = 巫师 = tovenaar = волшебник
Healer = 治疗师 = heler = целитель
Dragon = 龙 = draak = дракон
Minions = 爪牙 = minions = приспешников

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Nico Staza please read!

Nico, you have been allowed back in the clan, but know that you are on probation. Latley your donations have been low, but more importantly, your efforts in wars has been very aggravating. You constantly attack opponents that have already been 3 starred, thus wasting attacks, or you treat war opponents like you are farming and give a very poor effort.  This last war you didnt even bother to show up and gave no indication that you wouldn't be. 

I have let you back in, but know this, to get into the war this weekend, you need atleast 200 donations (no troop dumping either or you will get booted). And then durring the war, we will be watching your efforts. If we see that you tried, even if you get zero stars, you will no longer be on probation. That does not mean you can just attack anybody either. They need to be opponents within 5 spots from your rank. 

Monday, 23 June 2014

Minimum Donations

Guys, we need to make sure we are donating as much as we can. Starting this season, everybody will be expected to donate atleast 250 troops to stay in the clan.  If you think you will be having issues with this, email me at

War Debriefing June 22nd, 2014

Guys, another tough battle. It was close and I was happy with our turnout. 

Unfortunatley we had some members not do anything and it was great getting rid of them. We need people in this clan that want to make both themselves and the clan as a whole better. We have our great core, and we will keep adding new people to that group. 

MVP of this war goes to dooley!  Nice 6 star effort!

Guys, we need to make sure that we are getting atleast one star every battle. I know in the past i myself have been blanked and i hate it. Use the week to practice a little while you are farming. Maybe after every 5-10 farming raids, try and raid a more difficult opponent and 3 star them. Practice makes perfect!  Especially if you try different stragities. 

Keep up the good work guys. Loosing going down swinging is a lot more respectable than not showing up!

Sunday, 15 June 2014

War debriefing June 15th, 2014

Excellent job everybody!  Best war to date. Great level of participation!

MVP's this war are Butters, CZ, and Oli. Awesome job guys!  5 stars by all! 

Couple things to take note of. There are a few of you out there with your town halls outside your walls. Please change that next war!

Also, a tip.... Put your clan castle as close to the center and your town hall as possible. It will make it so your clan castle troops cant get drawn out so quickly.  

One other thing, try and make your set up as big as possible. That way it takes them longer to get through it all and could mean a star. 

Thanks for the great job again in the war. I will do my best to make sure i get a star next time lol!

Monday, 9 June 2014

New Council Member

Please all welcome sparx to the United 
Donators council. If you need anything and I am not on, please ask Sparx. Congrats Sparx!

Sunday, 8 June 2014

War debriefing June 8th, 2014

First off... Well done by all. They were a very strong clan and we were outmatched before it even started.  But i want to thank all thoes that used their attacks and tried their best. If I could give you all a million gold for the game, I would!

The MVP of this war was hak!  Not only did he earn us 6 stars, but he did it against very strong opponents. And to top it off, he didn't give any away to them either!  Congrats and good job hak!

Secondly, Pascal St and Kardo decided to leave the clan rather than assit in the war. If they re-join, kick them out immediately. We don't need people who are going to bail on us in this clan. 

Feedback from the troops... Guys, if you are one of our top 10 guys, and you attack their #25-30 people, what does that prove?   Just because you get 3 stars on it, you end up hurting the clan because of it. You take out the targets that our lower people can attack, and they cant do anything. From here on out, please when you attack, do not go any lower than 5 spots below you. If you are #10 and you attack #20, we will have words and i will call you out in front of the clan. If it happens again, I will ask you to leave or force you to leave. 

As far as scheduling, i personally liked how this week went. 5 days of farming, 1 day of prep, and one day of fighting. Let me know below or in the chat what you guys think as well. 

Again, great effort by most of you. If you did not attack, I am sorry that you are no longer with us. If the time comes, when you can play more, feel free to re-join. 

Wednesday, 4 June 2014


We will be starting our next war on Friday June 6th at 10pm central standard time.  I have tried to do some time converting for members of the clan in other areas of the world....

Australia - June 7th - 1pm
Amsterdam - June 7th 5am
Chile - Friday June 6th 11pm
Indonesia - Saturday June 7th 10am

Now, I am expecting 100% participation in this war.  Both attacks being used.  Even if we are destroying them I want people to make sure that they attack!

If for whatever reason you cannot, you must tell me prior to the war starting to be excused.

If you do not use at least one attack, you will be removed from the clan.  It hurts and frustrated the members of the clan that do like to participate in the wars when clan members do not.  If anybody has an issue with this, feel free to speak with me about it at

If you do not let me know before the war stats, you will not be excused.  That is more than 2 days from now.  Plenty of time.  Either e-mail me or post in the clan chat and I will see it.

One last thing... when donating in the clan war castles... Dragons (higher level the better), lvl 4 or higher archers or wizards ONLY.  DO NOT donate barbarians or giants.  You are just wasting your elixer.  You don't get any credit for donating them and people will just eject them from their castles.

If you cannot donate what I posted above... no worries.  Others in the clan are happy to carry the load.  However, you should be working to be able to donate those troops.