Congratulations Straw on becoming a member of the Council as one of our War Generals. the clan is in great shape war wise with both yours and papaturkey's insights.
Papaturkey and Straw will be taking turns with their was debriefings each week. That was the clan can get a little different perspective from both our generals.
Glad to have you both on the team!
Barbarian = 野蛮人 = barbaar = варвар
Archer = 弓箭手 = boogschutter = лучник
Goblin = 小妖精 = aardmannetje = глобулин
Giant = 巨人 = reus = гигант
Wall breaker = 墙壁断路器 = muur breaker = стене выключатель
Wizard = 巫师 = tovenaar = волшебник
Healer = 治疗师 = heler = целитель
Dragon = 龙 = draak = дракон
Minions = 爪牙 = minions = приспешников
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Monday, 28 July 2014
I forgot the MVP last war... Didnt want to forget this time around. Cwingz for the fantastic defensive effort and papaturkey for his offensive prowess.
War Debriefing July 27th, 2014
From the desk of papa turkey....
United Donators,
What a war! This is the best war I have participated in to date. As a clan we were awesome! We were a real contention in this war and because of the serious efforts put forth we came out with the victory.
First thing to mention before we get to far into this AAR (After Action Review) is that I gave out bad information in the last AAR.
HEALERS DO NOT HEAL AIR TROOPS...this includes dragons and anything else off the ground. HEALERS ONLY HEAL GROUND TROOPS!
Now that I have made my correction. Thanks to Straw and a few other for providing the right information we get into this weeks war.
There are really only a few things that need to be addressed this week and only as reminders because as I mention before this was a GREAT war.
1. Attacking by ranking.
There are 2 things to consider here. First is your war ranking, for example Oli is ranked #1, Lihon #2 and so forth. This is what will be referred to as ranking for the remainder of this sub section. The second thing to consider here is level, again for example Oli is level 108, Lihon is level 114 and so forth.
When attacking in our wars we have a guide line rather than a rule per say, which is as follows:
Attack no lower that 5 rankings below you for the first 12 hrs.
Now I know that this can as sometimes does present an issue for the higher level players or players that prematurely entered into a high Town Hall without maxing out all building before the upgrade took place. The only thing we ask is that if you desire to or are just unable to attack within the ranking guide lines ask before you go lower than 5 ranking and when you have received the "go ahead" at this point you need to consider YOUR LEVEL when attacking. If Oli for instance knew that 3 stars or 1 star for that matter where not attainable the request would be made and then Oli would attack someone within a reasonable level of 108 (which as mentioned before was Oli's level for this war). There is no hard and fast rule for this as we don't want to make this a chore to find a reasonable opponent to attack but please consider the whole of the clan and remember that there might be 7-10 attacks left under you that might be able to pick up those stars and you might, with proper scouting and tactics, be able to go for a higher rank and level enemy village.
That being said...if you are near the bottom of the clan, unless asked specifically please do your attacks as soon as possible so that everyone else is not waiting to see if we are in need of dropping attacks down to grabbed missed stars. the cut off for the lower part of the tribe is the bottom 10 which includes myself. we need to do our part as soon as we can so that those above us can have a better plan of attack rather than just assuming we will or won't get the missing stars. If you wait until the end to make your attacks YOU waited to long.
We also recognize that time zones and vacations and other circumstance might play a roll in this and that is another reason why there is no RULE her but rather a GUIDE LINE.
2. Drawing out the clan castle troops can be difficult when the clan castle is centrally located.
There are a few tactics that will work in this case....
1. use a giant to march close to the walls or better yet use 2 giants that way you know that one will actually make it there.
2. hog riders usually can get close enough to get them out
3. a giant and a wall breaker.
The list goes on. There are many options and proper scouting can reveal the best means possible to accomplish this. Feeding all of your Giants Hogs or whatever else you want to the CC troops is not the best use of your army. This happened to a few people this week and it looked like frustration from not being able to get them out on the first try resulted in a mass deployment of the giants only to have them eaten by the CC troops.
3. Lighting potions on CC dragons.
This does NOT work. if you want to kill a CC dragon then you need archers, wizards, a dragon or a combination of the the as you see fit. Save your lighting potion for that mortar tube that is pummeling your giants or that rotten wizard tower killing your archers.
4. War bonus. (this was not an issue but I still want to address it)
If you are contributing to the CC donations for the war bases or supplying the high level troops that everyone want to take for war you have a legitimate argument for that war loot. We are all very thankful for you efforts to drop down and clean up what we can not get, but would also like to see you receive some reward for you efforts. I don't want to encourage war bonus attacking but there needs to be a happy medium here. Present your case for attacking for war loot bonus and if the war permits it will be addressed by Frosty or his deemed proxy.
5. Special mention!
If you get attacked 11 times in 1 war and only give up 2 stars...that is worthy of a round of applause. C-wingz that was you! I know that part of that is the enemy attacking ability and partly base defense, but oly cow 11 attacks and gave up 2 stars.
6. Let do this again! I like when we win. GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!!
Sunday, 27 July 2014
War Frequency
It's been brought up that some would like to war more than once a week.... Please post in the chat what your vote would be and i will update the list accordingly.
For: butters, straw, papaturkey, hak, oli, david vance, wally, dmoney, spartian,
Against: frosty, strong, bjohn, cwingz, faulty, earl
Undecided: Antilles, mamaturkey, a.m., sparx
Friday, 25 July 2014
New Council Member
I'd like to congratulate papaturkey on becoming the latest council member. He's been awesome in reguards to our war efforts latley and this promotion is long overdue!
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
War debriefing July 20th, 2014
Here are some notes from papaturkey reguarding our last war... Couldn't have said it much better myself....
First thing to say is "We won!"
Second thing is they didn't fight back.
I am not sure if the number of 3 star attacks we had against them in the first 4 hrs (9 total for 3 stars), the sheer volume of attacks we had in the first 4 hrs (22 attacks), the fact that the attacks against us by them in the first 4 hrs only produced 8 stars for them, or their poorly stocked Clan Castles. It could also have been a combination of the 4. As was said multiple times in the clan chat "How have these guys won 11 wars!" They were attacking low and doing very poorly. That and the stellar efforts by Oli, Antilles, mamaturkey..(little bit proud of my wife), and DV JR really freed us up for the win.
A few things to take note of:
1. In this war that we have never dealt with in a war since I have been around is a thing that Medooley aptly named "Kill box".
For all of you that are unfamiliar with this term please refer to the enemy #27 Lindsay. As you can see there is quite a large amount of space between the TH and the walls on either side. This is done for a very specific put your troops in a box and kill them. Troy boy found out the hard way on this one. I am not picking on you Troy as you know but I would like those that are not familiar with this defense style to take a look at why you should not play into their game. What happens is that every defense building from cannons to archers to wizard tower to mortar and in this case hidden teslas stike all at once one the unsuspecting troops deployed in the "Kill Box". The troops deployed are hit so fast and destroyed that you almost miss the action. Quickly you have deployed all your troops and just as quickly they are gone. The only type or attack that works in the "Kill Box" is an air attack and that can even be questionable depending on strength of defensive buildings. Again Troy I am sorry that this happened to your attack which would have otherwise produced a magnificent 3 star victory, but I want to make sure that everyone can see this for them selves. I had this happen to me in the multi-player mode once and lost 200 troops in a few seconds with absolutely nothing to show for it.
2. Wall breakers in conjunction with ... you guessed it Giants!
I hate beating a dead horse but so it seems this horse just wont die. If you are going to deploy Giants to take out the defenses; which is quite alright to do; please take wall breakers with you, time the deployment so that they survive the mortar fire and wizard strikes, and calculate how many you will need to get through the wall of choice. 1 WB probably wont take out a pink wall...sure it will not off some of the strength but you Giants are still left there getting beat while they beat at a wall rather than a defensive building.
3. Healers don't work on dragons very well.
Healers do heal dragons but not nearly as fast as air defense takes them out. Healers are best used with Giants, Barb King, Archer Queen, Wizards, and Barbs.
4. Stars in war.
I know, WE WON! but let us look at this for the betterment of our war efforts....compared to our last war which we lost i might add this war was kind of a bad one as far as getting 3 stars on the first try. this war took more attempts on various players than should have been needed to get those 3 stars. I my self am included in this. Like I said at the begining of this 9 of the first 22 attacks got us that coveted 3 star goal. 9 of 22....not even 50%. I am not sure if we were just over confident, had lack of planning, or just simply had a tough time getting the attacks placed right. We can do better than this!
5. Hogs.
Since the latest upgrade it seems as though our hogs have taken a beating and a turn for the worse. I still enjoy watching them cruise easily over a wall that would take the whole 2.5 minute for my giants to get through, but with that said...the developer really screwed those poor hog riders out of their victories. I dont use hogs very often and an playing with them this week to try and gauge how to use them in the future but some of you more experienced hog users might have some hidden gems of knowledge for the rest of us...please feel free to email those thought and tips for deployment to Frosty so that he can get them posted to the blog. What I have found so far to be true is that if they have a tight base where the traps must be hidden outside the walls the hog are a great tool but the more gaps and spaces the fast my hogs go flying and just vanish from a well placed giant bomb.
I am confident that as a whole we are progressing well together. I enjoy our war days and watching you all attack. You guys and gals...(Cz, mama, and Voodoo) are a pleasure to go to war with! Keep up the great work...learn from our mistakes...and get that 5th builder (right antilles, and mama!)
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
Video on how to draw out Clan Castle Troops
If there is any confusion on what we mean by drawing out clan castle troops in wars, watch this video...
War Debriefing - July 13th, 2014
MVP's of this war are the following... Sparx, Antilles, and papturkey! Great job on getting 6 stars!
I got a good summary from papaturkey on this last war, and I couldn't have said anything better than he did....
(From Papaturkey)
This was a good war. We had great participation and overall each attack had a decent outcome. There were a few disappointments like Voodoo's 96% and Medooley's 99% (disappointing in outcome, not effort)) but most of the reasons why we lost is because the enemy attacked very well. I was impressed this war by the amount of 3 star attacks we got in the first few hours. I think that shows that we are improving and that more planning is taking place on the individual level.
Here are a few things to keep in mind....
I got a good summary from papaturkey on this last war, and I couldn't have said anything better than he did....
(From Papaturkey)
This was a good war. We had great participation and overall each attack had a decent outcome. There were a few disappointments like Voodoo's 96% and Medooley's 99% (disappointing in outcome, not effort)) but most of the reasons why we lost is because the enemy attacked very well. I was impressed this war by the amount of 3 star attacks we got in the first few hours. I think that shows that we are improving and that more planning is taking place on the individual level.
Here are a few things to keep in mind....
1. drawing out the clan castle troops
We did a much better job of that this war than the last however with that said there were still a few attacks that did not accomplish this simple task. ALL enemy clan castles will have troop in them. you must use your attacking troops to draw them out and then destroy them or you will be is that simple.
I saw 3 such attacks where this was a problem...not sure that 3 stars would have been achieved anyway but without drawing out the troops it sure wasn't going to.
2. Air defenses.
We saw a lot of air attacks on our bases this week. That was alot of balloons. Most of us don't use balloons and honestly I dismiss them as worthless, but this war showed that they truly are not. Air defenses set outside the walls or placed closer to the outer edge of the fortified center are going to be taken out just as quickly as if you were to place mortar tube there. These useful tool should be place as close to the center as possible to help defend against the air attack....on the same note there are quit a few that are not even upgraded. This is also a simple and effective fix to strengthen our defenses.
3. Town Halls inside the walls.
With the new edition of COC that allows us to just transpose our regular base without taking the extra time to place each building there was again 1 town hall placed on the outside of the walls. Be diligent in making sure that your base is set up properly before the war actually begins.
4. End game attacks.
This is the most important part of the clan wars. Towards the end of each war the strategy becomes greater and the clan needs to work together for the best possible outcome. We had quite a few players make, what I call,"sacrificial attacks" in the last 7 hrs to clean up missed stars. STARS are the only thing that count in a war so if you are not sure where to attack ask.
**** Frosty here... I 100% agree with papaturkey on this. I'm gonna come up with a plan for our end game... have some "closer" so to speak for the wars to hang back and attack more towards the end. I'm thinking around 5 people. I'll approach some of our more successful attackers for this, so if you don't get asked, don't take offense please.
5. Compartmentalize your war base.
Hogs, the jump spell, and 3-4 wall breakers depending on upgrade level can take out a wall that is 2 or 3 deep. you need to make compartments and make it as hard for the attacker to get to each defensive building as possible. the more compartment the more time and or wall breakers it will take to get through....making less space in the army for archers and wizards and giants....COMPARTMENTALIZE!!!
6. Goblins during war.
Monday, 7 July 2014
War Debriefing - July 6th, 2014
Well we came up short again. Great effort by pretty much everybody. For those that didn't use your attacks, we could have really used those stars.
MVP's of this war are: CZ, FaultyTask, Straw, MeDooley, Sparx, and papaturkey. Great job guys!
For those of you still in the clan, Dmoney, Elie, and Lihon... we could have really used your attacks. We are on a set schedule now for our clan wars, so not getting 2 attacks in for a 24 hour period is pretty unacceptable.
From here on out, if you are going to be gone for a war, please e-mail me at to let me know. that way I can keep track better.
Dmoney, because you have been a long time member of the clan, I'm giving you a break for this war. If you are going to be gone, please just let me know so I have you listed as excused before hand.
Also, I wanted to note something as well... if we have an odd number in the clan (like 34 right now), the top 30 trophy level wise will go to the clan war. then they seed you based on your base strength. So if you are farming and hovering around the last 4 or so, you may want to raise your trophy level up or you could get left out of the war.
Some war notes that papaturkey shared with me that I think are good to bring up to all over you...
1) You have to take into account clan castle troops, Barb kings, and Archer Queens. Your first priority on every attack is to draw them out, and take care of them first. If you don't, you can, with almost 100% certainty, NOT get 3 stars in the battle. Take care of them first, and worry about the rest after that.
2) If you are going to use Giants... You have to use them in conjunction with wall breakers. Giants are very slow when it comes to busting through walls, and they will just get picked off one at a time. Best way to deploy them is to deploy one giant at a wall to draw first or take care of any traps. if there are no traps, then deploy the wall breakers to bust through the wall. Watch out for mortars though... make sure you time the deployment between mortar shots. Once the wall breaker take care of business, then let the giants loose. You need to makes sure that the initial giant draws the fire of the defenses otherwise your wall breakers will get picked off.
3) We really need to be smarter with our attacks. The last war and a number in the past, we lost because they 3 starred all of our bottom 10-15 people and they didn't have to have higher up levels use their attacks to just get one star from the lower level people. Use the week to practice and find a good attacking combination. Figure a good combo of troops, and then find a non-farming base, and attack it to see how you do. You may need to tweek your troops until you figure out the best combo for your style, but this is the best way to do it.
4) Also, please remember during the planning day to let the higher up level people handle troop donations. Priority donations should be lvl 3 dragons. After that we will fill in with lvl 5 wizards or archers. We have a lot of lvl 3 archers, and GIANTS in clan castles. NEVER donate a giant as a clan castle defense troop. You get no credit donating it, and they will be dumped. I think we all saw this war how much a dragon can change the whole ball game. The lvl 4 dragons they all had in their castles I think won them the war. Granted the best we can do is 3 right now, but they are still game changers.
Finally, if you are having a hard time figuring out your attacks, use youtube. Great players have put tons of videos on there showing ways they have found to work when it comes to farming or attacking. Copy their style, as long as it works for you and helps the clan out, who the heck cares :-)
If you have any questions about the war, feel free to ask one of the council members or one of our generals, straw or papaturkey.
MVP's of this war are: CZ, FaultyTask, Straw, MeDooley, Sparx, and papaturkey. Great job guys!
For those of you still in the clan, Dmoney, Elie, and Lihon... we could have really used your attacks. We are on a set schedule now for our clan wars, so not getting 2 attacks in for a 24 hour period is pretty unacceptable.
From here on out, if you are going to be gone for a war, please e-mail me at to let me know. that way I can keep track better.
Dmoney, because you have been a long time member of the clan, I'm giving you a break for this war. If you are going to be gone, please just let me know so I have you listed as excused before hand.
Also, I wanted to note something as well... if we have an odd number in the clan (like 34 right now), the top 30 trophy level wise will go to the clan war. then they seed you based on your base strength. So if you are farming and hovering around the last 4 or so, you may want to raise your trophy level up or you could get left out of the war.
Some war notes that papaturkey shared with me that I think are good to bring up to all over you...
1) You have to take into account clan castle troops, Barb kings, and Archer Queens. Your first priority on every attack is to draw them out, and take care of them first. If you don't, you can, with almost 100% certainty, NOT get 3 stars in the battle. Take care of them first, and worry about the rest after that.
2) If you are going to use Giants... You have to use them in conjunction with wall breakers. Giants are very slow when it comes to busting through walls, and they will just get picked off one at a time. Best way to deploy them is to deploy one giant at a wall to draw first or take care of any traps. if there are no traps, then deploy the wall breakers to bust through the wall. Watch out for mortars though... make sure you time the deployment between mortar shots. Once the wall breaker take care of business, then let the giants loose. You need to makes sure that the initial giant draws the fire of the defenses otherwise your wall breakers will get picked off.
3) We really need to be smarter with our attacks. The last war and a number in the past, we lost because they 3 starred all of our bottom 10-15 people and they didn't have to have higher up levels use their attacks to just get one star from the lower level people. Use the week to practice and find a good attacking combination. Figure a good combo of troops, and then find a non-farming base, and attack it to see how you do. You may need to tweek your troops until you figure out the best combo for your style, but this is the best way to do it.
4) Also, please remember during the planning day to let the higher up level people handle troop donations. Priority donations should be lvl 3 dragons. After that we will fill in with lvl 5 wizards or archers. We have a lot of lvl 3 archers, and GIANTS in clan castles. NEVER donate a giant as a clan castle defense troop. You get no credit donating it, and they will be dumped. I think we all saw this war how much a dragon can change the whole ball game. The lvl 4 dragons they all had in their castles I think won them the war. Granted the best we can do is 3 right now, but they are still game changers.
Finally, if you are having a hard time figuring out your attacks, use youtube. Great players have put tons of videos on there showing ways they have found to work when it comes to farming or attacking. Copy their style, as long as it works for you and helps the clan out, who the heck cares :-)
If you have any questions about the war, feel free to ask one of the council members or one of our generals, straw or papaturkey.
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
New Updates Coming!
Here is an update regarding the Barb King and Archer Queen:
Also for Wars:
Also for Wars:
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
War Debriefing - June 29th, 2014
WOW... great job everybody! That was a pretty good a** kicking if I do say so myself. Good to be on the other side of one for a change!
MVP's: Oli, Hak, MeDooley, and Sparx... great job guys. Sparx, nice job going out on a limb and taking 2 starts from their #1 guy!
Couple quick notes... I know we had them beat pretty bad, but I would have liked to have seen people using their attacks on targets and getting more stars. There were 2-3 people who attacked opponents who were 3 starred already, for what I am assuming was to get a better war bonus. That's great and all, but the reason we were in such a good position was that others used their attacks to make sure we had the stars to beat them. I'll give myself as an example... I went after targets I knew I could do well against to get stars for the clan, but offered no great war bonus. My war bonus ended up being pretty low, but at the time, I wanted to make sure everybody got theirs by winning the war. So just keep that in mind. If there are starts left to be had, go after them. Don't attack any 3 star people.
Other than that, I think we all did well. If you didn't get too many stars, learn from it. Also, if you are attacking somebody that has been one or two starred already, use the replays to your advantage. They will help you out!
I also wanted to give a shout out to whom I have dubbed out two "War Generals" straw and papaturkey! If you have any questions regarding the war, these two are great assets to lean on.
MVP's: Oli, Hak, MeDooley, and Sparx... great job guys. Sparx, nice job going out on a limb and taking 2 starts from their #1 guy!
Couple quick notes... I know we had them beat pretty bad, but I would have liked to have seen people using their attacks on targets and getting more stars. There were 2-3 people who attacked opponents who were 3 starred already, for what I am assuming was to get a better war bonus. That's great and all, but the reason we were in such a good position was that others used their attacks to make sure we had the stars to beat them. I'll give myself as an example... I went after targets I knew I could do well against to get stars for the clan, but offered no great war bonus. My war bonus ended up being pretty low, but at the time, I wanted to make sure everybody got theirs by winning the war. So just keep that in mind. If there are starts left to be had, go after them. Don't attack any 3 star people.
Other than that, I think we all did well. If you didn't get too many stars, learn from it. Also, if you are attacking somebody that has been one or two starred already, use the replays to your advantage. They will help you out!
I also wanted to give a shout out to whom I have dubbed out two "War Generals" straw and papaturkey! If you have any questions regarding the war, these two are great assets to lean on.
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