United Donators,
What a war! This is the best war I have participated in to date. As a clan we were awesome! We were a real contention in this war and because of the serious efforts put forth we came out with the victory.
First thing to mention before we get to far into this AAR (After Action Review) is that I gave out bad information in the last AAR.
HEALERS DO NOT HEAL AIR TROOPS...this includes dragons and anything else off the ground. HEALERS ONLY HEAL GROUND TROOPS!
Now that I have made my correction. Thanks to Straw and a few other for providing the right information we get into this weeks war.
There are really only a few things that need to be addressed this week and only as reminders because as I mention before this was a GREAT war.
1. Attacking by ranking.
There are 2 things to consider here. First is your war ranking, for example Oli is ranked #1, Lihon #2 and so forth. This is what will be referred to as ranking for the remainder of this sub section. The second thing to consider here is level, again for example Oli is level 108, Lihon is level 114 and so forth.
When attacking in our wars we have a guide line rather than a rule per say, which is as follows:
Attack no lower that 5 rankings below you for the first 12 hrs.
Now I know that this can as sometimes does present an issue for the higher level players or players that prematurely entered into a high Town Hall without maxing out all building before the upgrade took place. The only thing we ask is that if you desire to or are just unable to attack within the ranking guide lines ask before you go lower than 5 ranking and when you have received the "go ahead" at this point you need to consider YOUR LEVEL when attacking. If Oli for instance knew that 3 stars or 1 star for that matter where not attainable the request would be made and then Oli would attack someone within a reasonable level of 108 (which as mentioned before was Oli's level for this war). There is no hard and fast rule for this as we don't want to make this a chore to find a reasonable opponent to attack but please consider the whole of the clan and remember that there might be 7-10 attacks left under you that might be able to pick up those stars and you might, with proper scouting and tactics, be able to go for a higher rank and level enemy village.
That being said...if you are near the bottom of the clan, unless asked specifically please do your attacks as soon as possible so that everyone else is not waiting to see if we are in need of dropping attacks down to grabbed missed stars. the cut off for the lower part of the tribe is the bottom 10 which includes myself. we need to do our part as soon as we can so that those above us can have a better plan of attack rather than just assuming we will or won't get the missing stars. If you wait until the end to make your attacks YOU waited to long.
We also recognize that time zones and vacations and other circumstance might play a roll in this and that is another reason why there is no RULE her but rather a GUIDE LINE.
2. Drawing out the clan castle troops can be difficult when the clan castle is centrally located.
There are a few tactics that will work in this case....
1. use a giant to march close to the walls or better yet use 2 giants that way you know that one will actually make it there.
2. hog riders usually can get close enough to get them out
3. a giant and a wall breaker.
The list goes on. There are many options and proper scouting can reveal the best means possible to accomplish this. Feeding all of your Giants Hogs or whatever else you want to the CC troops is not the best use of your army. This happened to a few people this week and it looked like frustration from not being able to get them out on the first try resulted in a mass deployment of the giants only to have them eaten by the CC troops.
3. Lighting potions on CC dragons.
This does NOT work. if you want to kill a CC dragon then you need archers, wizards, a dragon or a combination of the the as you see fit. Save your lighting potion for that mortar tube that is pummeling your giants or that rotten wizard tower killing your archers.
4. War bonus. (this was not an issue but I still want to address it)
If you are contributing to the CC donations for the war bases or supplying the high level troops that everyone want to take for war you have a legitimate argument for that war loot. We are all very thankful for you efforts to drop down and clean up what we can not get, but would also like to see you receive some reward for you efforts. I don't want to encourage war bonus attacking but there needs to be a happy medium here. Present your case for attacking for war loot bonus and if the war permits it will be addressed by Frosty or his deemed proxy.
5. Special mention!
If you get attacked 11 times in 1 war and only give up 2 stars...that is worthy of a round of applause. C-wingz that was you! I know that part of that is the enemy attacking ability and partly base defense, but oly cow 11 attacks and gave up 2 stars.
6. Let do this again! I like when we win. GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!!
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