What a horrible ending to a not so great war. We should have won that one...though it still would have been close. It was bound to happen eventually. We are not perfect, well some of us aren't. This time we got an enemy clan that new what they were doing. We had good effort and good participation as always but we just came up short. Good job Everyone!
First I want to make this point. No 1 person wins or loses a war. This is a joint effort from all clan members. If 1 person doen't attack, yes it hurts the chances of winning and it makes things more challenging. If 1 person attacks but only sends in a few troops, again it doesn't lose the war for us. Even if 1 person attacks and gets no new stars or for that matter gets no stars at all we didn't lose because of that person. WE lost the war. As a clan WE failed to win. It is that simple. We can all run around saying if they would have done this or that, or papa why did you waste that rage spell on the lower half of the village, or Frosty why did you even try to get a star off of their number 7 when we had stars below that had not been captuered, or really Abdullah you came all the way down to their number 22 and got 0%. Point being this: Every war has at least 30 clan member as a team if I fail, we fail; and if we fail, I fail. We just had a lot of mistakes and misfortune in this particular war. Again no single person wins or loses a war.
Second point I want to make has to do with "Dibs" attacks. This will never work if you aren't ready as soon as the war starts. For instance Antilles called dibs on #19...Wally either missed the mail about dibs on 19, disregarded the mail on dibs, or accidently attacked the wrong number. So now #19 was attacked...Butters gets on and want to attack #19 realizing that it had a dibs call but sees that it was not Antilles that made the attack inquires about his option to attack. He was told to hold fast and wait to see what Antilles does. Meanwhile Medooley arrives and sees the same #19. a dibs attack, has been attacked but no stars were produced. He attacks then to clean it up gaining all 3 stars. A short time later Antilles shows with his army and plan of attack at hand only to find that his "dibs" has been 3 starred and not only that it was attacked twice. At whos feet do we lay the fault or the errors here? Wally for attacking a "dibs" attack...(could have been an accident); Medooley for 3 starring a "dibs attack that was not his dibs...(hard to fault someone for 3 staring); Antilles for not attacking right away...(he runs on canadian time so you never know when he will show up). I hear in the back some one yell "BLAME THEM ALL!" No one is to blame. It just didn work like we had hoped that it would. This area of "dibs" attacks will have to have some bugs worked out, so in the meantime please give all "Dibs" attacks a 3 hr window before you go pouncing, double check who actually attacked and then check with the war general if you still have questions, and last but not least get your "Dibs" done right away for the rest of those waiting to clean up your mess. ;)
Third thing is war village set-up. Medooley pointed this out and I want to bring it up again for those of you that missed it. We need our villages spread out but not to the corners where they enemy can draw our Clan Castle troops to for a killing. If you have buildings out in the corners pull them in so that when they are killing your CC troops you are at least picking off 1 or 2 archers or wizards with you own towers. I understand your thinking that if they are way out there then they have to take more time to go get those last few building. A few archers or mortar tubes killing their CC assasins is far better than a builders hut in the corner. Spread you village out far enought that they have a hard time geting the CC tropps out of the CC but not to far that they can then lure them out of distance for you to help protect you CC troops with back-up fire.
Fourh thing I wanted to address is the question "When should I attack?" This question does not have 1 simple answer but it does have a few principles that apply to everyone. To address this we must first remember that STARS only win or lose a war. Now for those of us at the bottom your chioce of opponents is quite a bit slimmer than the options that Oli or Frosty or CZ have. Since STARS are all that matter in a war we need to be diligent in making sure that we have all the stars on as many players as possible. If you are at the bottom...Daggz this week it was you. Are you going to get three stars on your equal or the enemies above you??? Maybe is the corect answer. We sure hope so, but if in fact you are unable to 3 star the bottom to opponents then another clan member needs to attack those opponents and get those missed stars. So the answer to the question is a seris of questions...Am I at the bottom? If I wait does that mean that those above me are waiting for me to see if they need to clean up what i was unable to get? Will my waiting cause me to not have anyone left to attack that I can 3 star? Simply put: If you are in the bottom half of the clan please get your attacks in as soon as you can. There is a team effort here and your part is to do what you can as quickly as you can so that alternative plans can be made.
Lastly I want to talk again about CC troops. This war we feed more troops to lvl 4 dragons and lvl 6 wizards than any other 2 wars combined. Time after time while watching the replays (yes Strong I watch them all) the Clan castle never fully emptied, or an attempt was never made to clean it out. I was amazed at how frequently this happened and to whom it happened to. This was not isolated to the new members or the members that seem always to have this problem but it was across the board. (exlcuding all dragon attacks, where drawing out the CC troops is a waste of time) There were a few great examples of drawing out CC troops from this war though that I wanted to bring to light. I am not going to point them all out but just a few. Watch Hak's attack against Mano Deco @ 2hr and 5mins until the war ended...just watch how Hak drew them out...then grouped together and then finished them off. Another one to watch is Oli's attack against Leo @ 15hrs and 7min until the war ended...hog rider in to draw out cc troops...drawn out and away...grouped...killed....then the best part of the whole thing...1 hog rider back in to make sure that the CC actually cleared....go thing that Oli checked too because sure enough out came some minions and a lvl 6 archer...also drawn away and killed....Oli I really enjoyed watching that.
In closing I want to say that again I have enjoyed watching you all play this game. Being apart of this clan is and continues to be fun for me and my wife...(she is always saying how she like you guys and gals). Put this loss behind us and lets win the next one! hihi David Vance you always suprise me!
AWESOME JOB as always Papaturkey!