
Barbarian = 野蛮人 = barbaar = варвар
Archer = 弓箭手 = boogschutter = лучник
Goblin = 小妖精 = aardmannetje = глобулин
Giant = 巨人 = reus = гигант
Wall breaker = 墙壁断路器 = muur breaker = стене выключатель
Wizard = 巫师 = tovenaar = волшебник
Healer = 治疗师 = heler = целитель
Dragon = 龙 = draak = дракон
Minions = 爪牙 = minions = приспешников

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Enter UD Raiders

All, I have an important announcement to make! We would like to introduce the UD Raiders! This will be a clan that will take 15 members and war once a week on Tuesday nights. The war will end Thursday night and the members will return to UD before the start of war on Friday night. Therefore, the people who play in UD Raiders will war twice for that week. Here are the details of UD Raiders.

  • Will raid with 15 members: 3 leaders and 12 others.
  • War will start Tuesday night (10 CST)
  • Participation is stricter than the main war. Not only are both attacks required, but it is expected you will give your all despite the score and will be willing to discuss strategy before and after attacks. We want this to become better at war!
If being in this war interests you, then post in the comments below. For at least this first war, we will select the 12 members going. How we continue to select each week is still being defined, but be sure that there will be a rotation and if you are interested you will get to participate.

Remember, while we hope to win and make loot, loot is not the primary intention of this. It is to get better at war! It is the hope that this will benefit the main clan's war.

Please note all of this is subject to change as we work out the kinks. Hope to see many of you in Raiders!


  1. Put me in coach, I'm ready to play.

  2. I am in whenever needed. - Strong

  3. Would love the lesson!!!

  4. Eager to learn how to improve

  5. Thank you for the learning experience

  6. This was an awesome experience. I learned alot, not only from my own attacks but from others aswell. I would highly recommend signing up for atleast one to learn more and better tactics! Dragons rule! Lol Thank you for this opportunity!

  7. Are you we going again this week?
