
Barbarian = 野蛮人 = barbaar = варвар
Archer = 弓箭手 = boogschutter = лучник
Goblin = 小妖精 = aardmannetje = глобулин
Giant = 巨人 = reus = гигант
Wall breaker = 墙壁断路器 = muur breaker = стене выключатель
Wizard = 巫师 = tovenaar = волшебник
Healer = 治疗师 = heler = целитель
Dragon = 龙 = draak = дракон
Minions = 爪牙 = minions = приспешников

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

War notes from 9-6-14

Well done!

Another great war.  I am very pleased with how this war went.  There is always going to be a few issues with each war, but that is to be expected; nothing runs perfect (though we are close to it).

We had 18 attacks in the first hour alone.  I believe that to be the most for us in the first hour since I have been here.   All but 1 DIBS attack was used in the first hour as we have been requiring these last few wars, which is always good to see.  Of those DIBS attacks 5 resulted in the desired 3 star.  Unfortunately that is only have of the DIBS.  I hope in next weeks war we can improve on this and get 100% in before the first hour and 3 stars on each one.

We also came out strong again in this war. 56 stars in the first 4 hours is an impressive start to any war.  This is something that we have been doing as of late in the past few wars and is a great way to deflate the enemy morale.  Keep up the great work guys and gals.

Now on to a few of the set backs from this war.

I only saw a few things in replays that need to be addressed and a few other minor clan guidelines to be addressed.

1. Farming troops during war.

We have addressed this in the past just a few times and have seen the benefits of mentioning it in the last few wars.  Keeping in mind that each person has there own style of attacking and different level of troops, we need to use the best troops we have possible for the base type we are attacking to gain the desired 3 stars.  Now with that being said there is no hard and fast rule as to what troops you have to take or what troops are the best.  As a suggestions and I believe that most members and the council would agree; Dragons or Hogs are the simplest war armies you can build.  There are lots of variations within these 2 combinations and if you want to see then just watch the replays. Again I want to stress that this is not a hard and fast rule in the clan that you must bring Dragons or Hogs to war, but on the other hand if you are struggling to get 3 stars on your attacks this might be the option for you to at least consider.  I know that it is an expensive army to build, but we are not going to war to gain loot.  (we do that during the week)  We go to war to get as many stars as possible and to win the bragging rights as the best fighting clan out there.

2.  Attacking below your level.

This is a guideline that has been discussed and has been posted for all to see.  If you are attacking below your level  (I was ranked in the 19th spot in this war)  DO NOT attack more than 5 ranks (for me this would have been the 24th spot of the enemy) without asking the war generals or Frosty permission first.  Also as a side note to this guideline when attacking don't look only at the the rank you are placed and directly across the board but also by player level. (I have a lvl of 80)  If I want to attack 5 down from my war rank (19) I need also to consider the level of the player that I plan on attacking.  If that player is a lvl 50....I probably should find a better suited target.

3. Spells for different kinds of troops.

Dragons should have Rage spells, not Heal is why.

Let us assume you have lvl 4 heal and rage spells, and lvl 2 dragons, and the village you are attacking has lvl 5 Air Defense.

Heal spell facts:
total heal 1,200
heal per pulse 30
pulse frequency .3 sec
total number of pulses 40

Rage spell fatcs:
damage boost 160%
speed boost 26
pulse frequency .3 sec
total number of pulses 60

Lvl 2 Dragon facts:
damage per sec 160
total hit points 2100
damage per breath...(or attack) 240

Lvl 5 Air defense facts:
TH required lvl 7
Damage per shot 190
Damage per second 190
Damage type single target
Range 10 tiles

If you attack and use your heal potion you are healing that 1 dragon mainly that is being targeted by the AD....granted you are also healing all the damage being dealt to the dragons by archer towers and wizard towers and hidden telsas (all minor compared to the AD damage).  You are healing your dragon at 100 hit points per second while that AD is dealing out 190 damage per second, now add in the wizard, archer, or hidden tesla that is also dealing damage and you are way behind in the addition game.

Take the same attack but install a rage spell instead causing your dragons to become faster by 10 tiles and dealing 256 damage per second rather than 160.  You might not be healing your dragons but they are moving so quickly through the village you probably wont need to.

Now there is also a bit of debate hear as to what is the best option...3 rages or 2 rage and a heal (for those of us at TH 8 and down...TH 9 gets that extra help).  This is a debate you must work through and figure out what works best for your type of deployment.

Hogs should have heal spells, not rage...i am not going to get into why as I am already giving a lot of of information here.  Trust me it just works better and if you don't want to trust me ask member that use hogs alot, boazang, cz, oli, david vance, hak, Abdullah Mauddi....they will probably tell you the same.

3.  Attacks that need to happen first.

Beyond the DIBS attacks there are some attacks that just need to happen sooner than later.  If you are ranked in the bottom 15 (when we have 35 in the war) or 12 (if we have 30 in the war) ... especially the bottom 5.  You need to get your attacks in and done with.  We can't afford to wait until late Saturday night to see if you are going to clean up the stars that are missed at the bottom if there are any.  Also with the way we have been 3 starring the lower half of the enemy clan lately you might not have any good options to make a contribution to the over all start count.

Again I wanted to say again.  I am very pleased with the way things went in this war and hop that this sheds some light on your war attack strategies.

You all did great!

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