So what does it all mean, Basil? It means that we faced an amazing team that knew exactly what they needed to do to get the win. 2 of their first 3 attacks were against our top 3 and 5 of their first 8 attacks were against the top 5. They amazing got turned out 11 stars against our top 5. Typically our top 3 are never attacked during a war, let alone yield a star. Their is no shame in our performance, we were just beat by an unbelievable team and we couldn't be the giant slayers 3x in a row.
Onto our side, we rarely ever attack their top 3. I think this is potentially our best room for improvement. We only left 1 star on their bottom 20. The past couple weeks I've been working on some more advanced attack techniques and trying to perfect the GoWiPe attack. I think others around the top have also been trying to do this as well. I think we need to push ourselves to go against their top players and earn stars on them. In order to do that though, we need to allow the top 10 the freedom to attack their best and not need to perform any cleanup stars. Antilles pointed out a reddit article from another clan's war notes, that I believe holds tons of merit for the bottom 20 people in the clan. "Use first attack for three stars When possible, use your first attack for a reasonable 3-star attempt of a base at your Town Hall level. Your base rank, and the base rank of the opponent, is irrelevant. Three stars win wars and prevent redundant attacks, even if you are attacking down. A 2-star attempt on a base someone else will 3-star is a wasted attack. If it is an easy war, 3-star a base that has already been 3’d for practice. TH7/8 should NOT attack above their TH level until all bases of similar TH level are 3-starred. TH9 attack strategies are difficult. If you are a mid/late TH9, you should be able to pick an early/mid TH9 to 3-star. If you are an earlier TH9, your attack progression should be: (1) 3-star an easy TH9, (2) ask what highly-ranked TH9s cannot be 3-starred, and 2-star those, or (3) cleanup TH8 3-stars at end of war."
As Sparx pointed out earlier during the war, all dragon attacks have a ceiling, once your opponents reach TH9 levels and have 4 levels 5+s air defense the dragons will not get 3 stars and will struggle to even get 2 stars. Against a TH10 opponent, they more than likely won't even get a star. I think I saw an attack attempt of ours using all dragons against a TH10 that didn't yield a star.
Just my random thoughts and observations from the war.
General Straw
General Straw
Good thoughts straw!